About us

A brief background on Cavendish Lloyd

The company

Cavendish Lloyd Group 

Main office: Dubai, U.A.E.
Founded in 2011.


Koen Monkau, founder and chairman Cavendish Lloyd Group.

It has always been my dream to run a family business. However not coming from a business family I had to start my own. The people working in Cavendish Lloyd are like family to me and some of them actually are! As in any family there are arguments sometimes but overall there is a sense of belonging. 

However the essential ingredient of both family and business alike is trust. Not any contract stipulating every possible aspect of a transaction can override the fact that all business revolves around trust. In order to gain and maintain that trust with our customers we work as a team sharing the same values.

From being traditional tobacco traders we moved successfully into other segments of the industry; we are innovative in our cigarette marketing and we offer anything you see in a box of cigarettes. Our in house team has a full understanding and control of the whole supply chain and is based in various locations around the globe. Please check our website for a location near you. We welcome you to our world, welcome to Cavendish Lloyd!

Where we operate

Cavendish Lloyd is a truly global company. We operate in the United Arab Emirates, China, Zimbabwe, Thailand, India, Hong Kong, Kurdistan, Zambia, the  Netherlands.

Our vision

It all started with the question why the best tobacco is not smoked in the countries they come from?. This observation inspired our vision and led to the development and production of ZARK Cigarettes in Zimbabwe and beyond. The development and launch of NARGIZ Cigarettes(Iraq) in 2012 was also instrumental in the pursuit of our vision.

Now we are an international focused company, servicing the whole supply chain. We offer leaf, we make cut rag, we sell all NTMs for your cigarettes. We design, produce and sell cigarettes.

Management Team

Jiayu Wang

Vice President

Jiayu Wang is the prominent face of the Cavendish group. She is the lead women in public relations. She is responsible for Cavendish Hong Kong, Thailand and China. In her role as Vice President she is responsible for the group sales in China and the Far East.



Koen started his tobacco career in 1997 in Amsterdam. He established Cavendish Lloyd International in 2011 as an independent tobacco and cigarettes manufacturer. In 2012 his global tobacco vision led to the development, production and launch of Nargiz cigarettes in Kurdistan. In 2015 He opened the doors for Cavendish Lloyd Zimbabwe and ZARK Cigarettes Zimbabwe.

D.J. Lock


D.J. Lock has more than 25 years in the Economics and IT industry. He joined Cavendish Lloyd International when it was founded in 2011. He is the director of the Amsterdam office and is responsible for corporate finance, global operations, IT and HR. He is part of the Global Management Board.